United Emirate Decentralized Coin Listed on PancakeSwap

United Emirate Coin now on Pancakeswap.
The First Arab CryptoCurrency on the Binance Smart Chain.

✔️ Buy on PancakeSwap(v2:

✔️ BcsScan: https://bscscan.com/address/0xf0b6e29c429bbb8e1448340f0776be933805344e

Charts: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf0b6e29c429bbb8e1448340f0776be933805344e

Liquidity lock: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xa8e0d0366103d3c120f7f8855aae95fba1df5318ec35d710e9ed1be4cbea77ff

United Emirate Decentralized Coin
United Emirate Decentralized Coin

Written by United Emirate Decentralized Coin

United Emirate Decentralized Coin (UEDC) is an open source, peer-topeer, Anonymous Cryptocurrency created on the Excellent Binance Smart Chain.